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Primus Magicus
Blue Moon Emperor****

Alter: 38
Anmeldungsdatum: 09.01.2006
Beiträge: 1433
Wohnort: Assen, Appelscha

I have had this error a couple of times as well last week after I tried to send a pn. but if I clicked the site away, opened a new one and no more problems...
Blue Moon Emperor***

Alter: 40
Anmeldungsdatum: 02.11.2005
Beiträge: 1188
Wohnort: Meran

Yes, I have a map without the names. I can send it to u via Mail but it seems that at the moment u have some problems. So when everything is fixed send me a PN and we will see what to do.
Maybe the Inquisitors are a mix between two 'races'. And now that everyone kows, that a interracial love results in a desaster they don't do it anymore. But personally I really think that the Inquis were created like the Mutants by this Psi-storm. And the reason why they have now the trust of prince and princess is because they were allready before the storm their adjutants or something like that. And the Inquis don't need to be of the some race. But now in some way they are. And they gained magical power (or had allready before and is now only become stronger).
Well, what do we know about the race of the two leaders, of the dead king? He was respected by all the people of BM. But if the king would have been of one of the races we know from the game that would have let to a civil-war because that would mean that one race rules over the others. So, here I present u now my theorie:
King and Queen don't have children. In fact, as we know, the Queen has to go to receive the heirs of the throne. One who rules and one who assists the ruler, gives him strenght. Were does she now receive the heirs? I think, that in a good Buddhist tradition, she travels from village to village to find the true heirs. Like the Buddhists are doing it when they have o find a new Dalai Lama. And so one could be a Khind and the other a Hoax. That way every king is of another race but allways from BM with the blessing of Ordrac. And because of that one of the two must be a Vulca and the other a Hoax, because these two races hate each other the most. *Spoiler* And we all know how the book ends */Spoiler*
Yeah, my idea.
_________________ Ceterum censeo Drachenkaufdecks esse delendam.
Blue Moon Fan

Alter: 45
Anmeldungsdatum: 17.03.2008
Beiträge: 18
Wohnort: California

Helios hat folgendes geschrieben: |
Yes, I have a map without the names. I can send it to u via Mail but it seems that at the moment u have some problems. So when everything is fixed send me a PN and we will see what to do.
Maybe the Inquisitors are a mix between two 'races'. And now that everyone kows, that a interracial love results in a desaster they don't do it anymore. But personally I really think that the Inquis were created like the Mutants by this Psi-storm. And the reason why they have now the trust of prince and princess is because they were allready before the storm their adjutants or something like that. And the Inquis don't need to be of the some race. But now in some way they are. And they gained magical power (or had allready before and is now only become stronger).
Well, what do we know about the race of the two leaders, of the dead king? He was respected by all the people of BM. But if the king would have been of one of the races we know from the game that would have let to a civil-war because that would mean that one race rules over the others. So, here I present u now my theorie:
King and Queen don't have children. In fact, as we know, the Queen has to go to receive the heirs of the throne. One who rules and one who assists the ruler, gives him strenght. Were does she now receive the heirs? I think, that in a good Buddhist tradition, she travels from village to village to find the true heirs. Like the Buddhists are doing it when they have o find a new Dalai Lama. And so one could be a Khind and the other a Hoax. That way every king is of another race but allways from BM with the blessing of Ordrac. And because of that one of the two must be a Vulca and the other a Hoax, because these two races hate each other the most. *Spoiler* And we all know how the book ends */Spoiler*
Yeah, my idea. |
I'm behind you at least 80%, and part of the remaining 20% is that I don't know how the book ends. Especially supporting your "Inquisitors come from the Psi-Storm" notion, since I'm of the same notion. I mean, why else would you blindly serve insanity than if you were created as a byproduct of that insanity trying to dominate others.
Here's an interesting quesiton - are the King and Queen married? Mightn't the King have a lover and actual, honest-to-goodness children, and is the Queen by neccessity involved in that? Or, for more correct terms, "sovereign" and "consort", since there's nothing saying the sovereign is the King and the consort the Queen. One interesting possibility is that the reason for the two children being chosen is that one becomes sovereign and the other consort, so the King and Queen are always siblings by adoption.
The most important question to me is this - where'd the Queen-consort go? Why'd she disappear? And who delivered the two bundles of impending civil war to the Palace? And why are the Phar trying to look all innocent? (Was it the Pillar deck that pointed out that the Phar used Psi to bend the minds of others?)
_________________ Everyone comes to the Freak Show
To laugh at the Freaks and the Geeks
Life is a lot like a Freak Show
'Cause nobody laughs when they leave
-Nobody Laughs when they Leave, The Residents
Primus Magicus
Blue Moon Emperor****

Alter: 38
Anmeldungsdatum: 09.01.2006
Beiträge: 1433
Wohnort: Assen, Appelscha

Could someone explain to me what "sovereign" and "consort" actually mean? I read it on the pillar cards, but never really understood what it meant.
Further I never read or had the idea that the inquisitors where created by the psi-storm (why would only animals and royal helpers be affected by it??), but if it is the case then helios' explanation is good. I have no other clue what the inquisitors really are or how they became that way.
I really like helios' theory about recieving the heirs. I am not so sure about pneumonica's idea of allways siblings by adoption. That would allways cause jealousy and I doubt one will accept his/here role as "loser" and stay with the other "winner" happy and forever together....
(ps. is there anywhere stated that the Phar used Psi to bend the minds of others?)
Blue Moon Fan

Alter: 45
Anmeldungsdatum: 17.03.2008
Beiträge: 18
Wohnort: California

Primus Magicus hat folgendes geschrieben: |
Could someone explain to me what "sovereign" and "consort" actually mean? I read it on the pillar cards, but never really understood what it meant.
Further I never read or had the idea that the inquisitors where created by the psi-storm (why would only animals and royal helpers be affected by it??), but if it is the case then helios' explanation is good. I have no other clue what the inquisitors really are or how they became that way.
I really like helios' theory about recieving the heirs. I am not so sure about pneumonica's idea of allways siblings by adoption. That would allways cause jealousy and I doubt one will accept his/here role as "loser" and stay with the other "winner" happy and forever together....
(ps. is there anywhere stated that the Phar used Psi to bend the minds of others?) |
A "sovereign" is a monarch, primarch, or other single ruler. Similarly, a "sovereign nation" is a nation that rules itself. "Consort" has several meanings, and as a verb it means "to have dealings with" (a common Church condemnation in the Middle Ages was "consorting with the Devil"). As a noun, it means the spouse of a monarch, but in secondary meanings it can also mean an association (ref. "consortium") or company (especially in music, it means a company of musicians who play the same instrument). Consort can also mean an unmarried sexual partner, usually of a royal person who is in a political marriage.
And regardless of whether they're married or not, the consort always gets the short end of the stick, and regardless there will always be one sibling who isn't sovereign. It's very clear - only one sovereign, only one consort.
I'll need to be home before I can look it up, but I recall one card having made a statement about Psi and the Phar. Best guesses would be Buka, Pillar, or I&E.
_________________ Everyone comes to the Freak Show
To laugh at the Freaks and the Geeks
Life is a lot like a Freak Show
'Cause nobody laughs when they leave
-Nobody Laughs when they Leave, The Residents
Primus Magicus
Blue Moon Emperor****

Alter: 38
Anmeldungsdatum: 09.01.2006
Beiträge: 1433
Wohnort: Assen, Appelscha

Well I guess that would be Pillar 20 card then (from the I&E2 set). I can barely read the (german) text in deckdesigner, but it does say something about psi and phar
Blue Moon Fan

Alter: 45
Anmeldungsdatum: 17.03.2008
Beiträge: 18
Wohnort: California

Got it. Pillar 20, as you said.
Zitat: |
Shhh, betwixt us. Where sun is god and Psi makes slaves, Phar gives much good when master arrives but talks much bad when master sleeps. |
_________________ Everyone comes to the Freak Show
To laugh at the Freaks and the Geeks
Life is a lot like a Freak Show
'Cause nobody laughs when they leave
-Nobody Laughs when they Leave, The Residents
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