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Blue Moon Playtester
Blue Moon Playtester

Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258

BeitragVerfasst: Do 18 Mai, 2006 21:10  Titel:  FAQ 16th May 2006 and Short FAQ Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

Since I'm here, I'll mention the latest FAQ list went out 16th May. But mainly I rose (how successfully we'll see) to an implied challenge on the BoardGameGeek, as follows (the "you" in the first line refers to people there - but people here are invited too obviously).

OK, some of you (you know who you are) wanted a shorter FAQ list. So here it is. At the same URL as the FAQ list (I always only publish the page it's a massive eight questions long. (It was going to be ten, but I thought eight was a better Blue Moon number - although ten would have been easier.) Of course it's not to replace the main list (which other people do want all of) but as an experiment alongside it. The questions in it are taken directly from the main list (I'd be prepared to edit out cross-references, but that's about all).

The question of course is "which eight questions?". And that's where you come in. I've made a selection of eight, based on those with significant impact, or which I had difficulty answering, or I think are important. But I had to cut out other questions that I wanted to keep. And maybe you think differently. So the idea is that you all make suggestions, and I make changes accordingly. But there are three rules:

- It's easy to suggest additions, removals are harder. So if you suggest an addition, also suggest a removal.

- It's not just most votes, I'll be swayed by a good argument that X is the really important question, or Y isn't really that important. (Except for "shields are icons". That's staying, argue over the other seven.)

- My (in)decision is final - in this list. You can always do your own if you disagree strongly.

As a housekeeping matter if you do make a suggestion please give the list version (there's only the one so far).

And if you want something that's not in the main list, adding to that can always be arranged ...

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