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Blue Moon Fan

Anmeldungsdatum: 14.05.2012
Beiträge: 32

Martin and I are proud to present you the Girga.
They are a race of giants. And they have at their service a gang of Imps. They, of course, are strong and mighty. But being giants, they cannot hide easily and their opponents can see them from far. And at the same time, the Girga have the power to consult an Oracle to see part of their future on the battlefield. Read on.
We had a more difficult time balancing the Girga against the 9 original races and the Cabal. We had to make many modifications and patchwork fixing. Overall, they are less consistently balanced against the other races. They are a touch stronger in standard format against 1-2 races, and a touch weaker against 1-2 other races. A bit like some matchups are not quite balance in standard format with the original races, in our opinion.
But we are happy about what we did with them and they are very different than the Cabal to play. They are easier to master also. More like an intermediary deck.
Again, we are looking for feedback about the moon cost and the clarity of the special power text. We will not change the values of the cards. We will not change the effect of the special power text. We will add all the cards to our pool of cards for tournaments.
The Girga have the ORACLE icon and the GIANT border.
A border, you say? Yes. We originally had the GIANT icon on the cards, but it was extremely difficult for the Girga to compete against certain decks with certain cards. But we wanted to keep the ability of the GIANT icon without giving them all a PROTECTED icon. So we invented a border.
A border is like the frame around a picture. It's a strip of colour along the four sides of a card. We coloured the border in light blue, but it could be any colour. So the cards with a blue border is a GIANT card. What does the GIANT border do? Here's the rule for it: whenever you take a card with the GIANT border into your hand you disclose it.
So whenever you draw a card from your draw deck, from your discard pile, etc you put it face up on the table. Thematically it illustrates the fact that they are tall and can be seen from far away. Cards with the GIANT border count as part of your hand.
The Girga also have the ORACLE icon: you may immediately look secretly at the top 3 cards from your deck. You must then put any number of cards back onto the top and/or the bottom of deck in any order you want. If a card has the ORACLE icon and special power text, the active player can decide the order in which he resolves them.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bolga am Fr 04 Dez, 2015 03:14, insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet
Blue Moon Fan

Anmeldungsdatum: 14.05.2012
Beiträge: 32

Here is the Girga Leader and the Girga characters in the standard deck:
The Thunderhead
Most Elevated of the Girga
30 cards 10 moons
Special Power Text: If playing with the Mulligan rule on page 6 of the Advanced Concepts booklet, I must do my mulligan first (if I choose to do it) and disclose my cards with the GIANT border before you do your mulligan.
The Groundjudder
Fire: 4
Earth: 8
Icon: STOP
GIANT border
Special Power Text: I must ignore the effect of your special power text that affect this card if the current element of the fight is Earth.
Girga 01
Moon value: 4
Note: We suspect there's a better way to phrase the special power text. The goal is that the opponent cannot affect The Groundjudder with the special power text of his cards if the fight is in Earth.
The Brotherhood
Fire: 6
Earth: 3
Icon: PAIR
GIANT border
No special power text
Girga 03
Moon value: 2
The Skyreacher
Fire: 4
Earth: 5
GIANT border
No special power text
Girga 04
Moon value: 2
The Sisterhood
Fire: 3
Earth: 6
Icon: PAIR
GIANT border
No special power text
Girga 05
Moon value: 2
The Plaincharger
Fire: 4
Earth: 3
GIANT border
No special power text
Girga 06
Moon value: 1
The Holyseer
Fire: 3
Earth: 3
No special power text
Girga 07
Moon value: 1
The Boulderthrower
Fire: 0
Earth: 5
GIANT border
No special power text
Girga 08
Moon value: 1
The Prayerleader
Fire: 2
Earth: 2
No special power text
Girga 09
Moon value: 1
Imp Mobilizer
Fire: 2
Earth: 2
Icon: (blue) GANG
Special power text: Now I may draw 1 card for each of my active character cards with a GANG icon.
Girga 10
Moon value: 1
Imp Marshall
Fire: 2
Earth: 2
Icon: (blue) GANG
Special power text: Now I may put 1 card from my hand on the bottom of my draw deck for each of my active character cards with a GANG icon.
Girga 11
Moon value: 1
Imp Warlock
Fire: 2
Earth: 2
Icon: (blue) GANG
Special power text: Now I may remove 1 inactive card from your combat area for each of my active character cards with a GANG icon.
Girga 12
Moon value: 1 ?
Imp Thug
Fire: 2
Earth: 2
Icon: (blue) GANG
No special power text
Girga 13
Moon value: 0
The Sleetslasher
Fire: 0 (shield)
Earth: 0 (shield)
Icon: STOP
GIANT border
Special power text: The contested element of the fight changes between Fire and Earth.
Girga 15
Moon value: 0
Note: The Sleetslasher is not a mutant.
The next four characters have a ansterix (*) has one of their element power value. This means that the power value varies according to the special power text on the card. An * is NOT a printed value. It also is NOT an icon. So it cannot be ignored. An * power value can (and probably will) change after it is played. As long as in the Power phase you announce a total power value that at least matches the opponent's one, it doesn't matter if it further changes in the Refresh and End phases of your turn. On your opponent's next Power phase, as long as he also at least matches your total power value, that's fine. You will always have to keep track of the * value. It takes a bit of practice at first but it becomes intuitive and easy after.
The Lavaconjurer
Fire: *
Earth: 0
Special power text: The Lavaconjurer's power value in Fire is equal to the number of cards in your hand.
Girga 16
Moon value: 1
The Woodtrapper
Fire: 0
Earth: *
Icon: STOP
Special power text: The Woodtrapper's power value in Earth is equal to the number of cards in your hand.
Girga 17
Moon value: 1
The Pyroshaman
Fire: *
Earth: 0
Special power text: The Pyroshaman's power value in Fire is equal to the number of cards in your combat area.
Girga 18
Moon value: 2 ?
The Trapdigger
Fire: 0
Earth: *
Special power text: The Trapdigger's power value in Earth is equal to the number of cards in your combat area.
Girga 19
Moon value: 2 ?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bolga am So 06 Dez, 2015 15:01, insgesamt 3-mal bearbeitet
Blue Moon Fan

Anmeldungsdatum: 14.05.2012
Beiträge: 32

Here are the Girga booster and support cards:
Mystical Herbs
Fire: 2
Earth: 2
No special power text
Girga 20
Moon value: 2
Sacred Relic
Fire: 0
Earth: 3
No special power text
Girga 21
Moon value: 1
Spiritual Necklace
Fire: 2
Earth: 0
No special power text
Girga 22
Moon value: 1
Devout Prayer
Fire: 1
Earth: 1
No special power text
Girga 23
Moon value: 1
Rapturous Idol
Fire: 1
Earth: 1
Special power text: Now I may place up to 2 cards from my hand at the bottom of my draw deck in any order.
Girga 24
Moon value: 1 ?
Mountaintop Temple
Fire: 2
Earth: 1
GIANT border
No special power text
Girga 25
Moon value: 1
Riverside Fort
Fire: 1
Earth: 2
GIANT border
No special power text
Girga 26
Moon value: 1
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bolga am So 06 Dez, 2015 15:02, insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet
Blue Moon Fan

Anmeldungsdatum: 14.05.2012
Beiträge: 32

Here are Leadership cards of the Girga:
Display of Bravery
Special power text: Now you reveal your hand, then I may choose 1 booster card from your hand and discard it.
Girga 28
Moon value: 3 ?
Display of Stamina
Special power text: Now you must discard a support card from your hand. If you don't have one to discard, you must reveal your hand.
Girga 29
Moon value: 2 ?
Display of Strength
Special power text: Now I may discard all your active cards from your combat, support and influence areas, except character cards and active cards with the PROTECTED icon.
Girga 30
Moon value: 4
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bolga am Fr 04 Dez, 2015 04:26, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
Blue Moon Fan

Anmeldungsdatum: 14.05.2012
Beiträge: 32

Here are the 3 out-of-affiliation cards for the Girga.
General Masumi
Fire: 3
Earth: 2
Special power text: On the turn during which I played this card, I must not take cards from my draw deck.
Kazuko 29
Moon value: 2
Soulful Call
Fire: -1
Earth: 0
Special power text: You may not play Leadership or Booster cards.
Qobol 28
Moon value: 1
Note: Yes, Soulful Call has a Fire value of -1. But a total power value cannot be below 0.
Note: This next card has an insanely long special power text. Please help us shorten it, if possible.
Reconnaissance Team
Special power text: Now I may take 1 character card from my hand and place it face up in my influence area. If I do, I may draw 2 cards from your hand. If 1 of them is not a character card, I must return them both to your hand, and the card I set in my influence area is returned to my hand and the end of my Booster/Support phase. If instead both of them are character cards, then I must choose: either I discard them both, or I return them to your hand and I immediately attract a dragon (and immediately return the card I set in my influence area to my hand).
Rouser 31
Moon value: 3
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bolga am Fr 04 Dez, 2015 04:36, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
Blue Moon Fan

Anmeldungsdatum: 14.05.2012
Beiträge: 32

Reserved for the other Girga cards used in constructing decks.
Blue Moon Fan

Anmeldungsdatum: 14.05.2012
Beiträge: 32

All the cards in the Girga standard deck are posted.

Alter: 40
Anmeldungsdatum: 28.03.2005
Beiträge: 4891
Wohnort: Troisdorf

Thx, seems very interesting. Concerning Groundjudder:
"If we fight in earth treat this card as if it has the protected-Symbol."
Or do you really want that all effects are ignored that somehow affect this card? What cards could it be? Discard, other ignore effects.
Concerning Mad Mike: Is this card supposed to be protected from it? What about hoax 28?

Alter: 40
Anmeldungsdatum: 28.03.2005
Beiträge: 4891
Wohnort: Troisdorf

Zitat: |
Reconnaissance Team
Special power text: Now I may take 1 character card from my hand and place it face up in my influence area. If I do, I may draw 2 cards from your hand. If 1 of them is not a character card, I must return them both to your hand, and the card I set in my influence area is returned to my hand and the end of my Booster/Support phase. If instead both of them are character cards, then I must choose: either I discard them both, or I return them to your hand and I immediately attract a dragon (and immediately return the card I set in my influence area to my hand).
Rouser 31
Moon value: 3
G |
Wow, many ifs. I' say unneccessary complex
A) char card in influence (Why?)
B) enemy reveals 2 cards
C) If both are charakters choose one:
C.1) discard them char stays in influence
C.2) return to hand and get a dragon and card from influence area comes back
If they are not, card comes back at the end of booster/support phase.
I don't understand why the character has to be in the influence area.
I would try to get something similiar with the following special power:
"Now I reveal 2 Cards from you hand. If both cards are character, I can discard 1 Character of my hand to discard them or I attract 1 dragon." (Shuffle not discarded cards back into your hand)
Gott des krassmatischen Charismas & more

Alter: 53
Anmeldungsdatum: 18.12.2004
Beiträge: 2318

Groundjudder - special text proposal:
"If the contested element of the fight is earth, your special power texts targeting The Groundjudder are ignored."
Bolga hat folgendes geschrieben: |
Imp Thug
Fire: 2
Earth: 2
No special power text
Girga 13
Moon value: 0 |
No gang symbol?
Bolga hat folgendes geschrieben: |
Imp Warlock
Fire: 2
Earth: 2
Icon: (blue) GANG
Special power text: Now I may remove 1 inactive card from your combat area for each of my active character cards with a GANG icon.
Girga 12
Moon value: 1 ? |
Yes, 1 moon.
Bolga hat folgendes geschrieben: |
Display of Stamina
Special power text: Now you must discard a support card from your hand. If you don't have one to discard, you must reveal your hand.
Girga 29
Moon value: 2 ? |
Yes, 2 moons.
Reconnaissance Team - special text proposal:
"Now I draw 2 cards from your hand. If I draw two character cards, I can choose either to discard them both or to attract 1 dragon. Return not discarded cards to your hand."
Which are booster and which support cards?
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